Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday December 20

Today we will be discussing the Ancient Civilizations of Latin America. And watching a short video on Macchu Picchu. We will also be correcting the Theme Map.

Quote of the Day: "Happiness is good health and a bad memory." -Ingrid Bergman

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday December 19

We will correct the supplemental questions today. Take some notes, and at the end of class you will be given a theme map that shows the different languages of Latin America. That will be due tomorrow.

Quote of the Day: "Compromise: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece." -Sherry Rothfield

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tuesday December 18

We will correct the Chapter 6 Vocabulary and then finish notes on section 1. If we have time we will start on section 2. For Wednesday be done with the Chapter 6 Supplemental Questions.

Quote of the Day: "Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either." -Albert Einstein

Monday December 17

Today we will be correcting the Panama Canal Video. And taking notes on Section 1. At the end of class you will be assigned the vocabulary activity for chapter 6.

Quote of the Day: "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it." -Jonathon Winters

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday December 13

Today we will be finishing correcting the Unit 3 Atlas. And taking notes on Chapter 6 Section 1. You will also be assigned a map on Latin America.

Quote of the Day: "Happiness is often the result of being too busy to be miserable."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday December 12

Congratulations Girls Basketball for winning at Red Lake Falls yesterday.

Nice win for Girls Hockey last night. Great crowd there to watch.

Today you will get your tests back. I'm not happy.

We will then correct the Unit 3 Atlas. And take notes with the time we have left.

Quote of the Day: "Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself." -Samuel Butler

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday December 10

Today we will be going through the review of Canada. So get those out so I can go around and make sure you are done with them.

Tomorrow you have a TEST on Canada.

Quote of the day: "If you hear a voice within you say "You cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced." -Vincent van Gogh

Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday December 7

Today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. 65 years ago today the Japanese attacked the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Today you will be going to the computer lab to do a test on Canadian Provinces and Capitals. Go to the blog and click on If I see you click on the help button you will get a zero on your test. No questions asked. If you need to study you can use

When you are done come back to the room and work on your assignment for next week.

Quote of the Day: "One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in." -Wayne Gretzky

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday December 6

Today we will be taking notes on 5-4.

We will also finish the video on Canada.

Quote of the day: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wednesday December 5

I hope you all got a good workout in helping your parents shovel snow last night or this morning.

Today we will take notes on Chapter 5 Section 3. And then watch more of the Canada Video. Remember TEST on Provinces and Capitals periods 1,2,3, on FRIDAY. For period 5 your test is THURSDAY.

Quote of the Day: "In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins-not through strength but by perseverence." -H. Jackson Brown

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday December 4

Today we will correct the Chapter 5 Supplemental questions. We will then take notes on Chapter 5 Section 2.

We will be getting out of school today. At about 3:12.

Quote of the Day: "Everyone thinks of chnging the world but no one thinks of changing himself." -Leo Tolstoy

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday December 3

Today we will be going to the computer lab. We will be working on the provinces and capitals of the country of Canada. Bring an atlas with you and look on page 42 and 43 for some help.

Go to the blog and you can click on some of the links. I didn't make any special ones just for Canada so you may have to do some searching.

Quote of the Day: "Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." -Arnold H. Glasow

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday November 28

Congratulations to boys and girls hockey and girls basketball on there wins last night.

Today we will finish notes on Chapter 5 Section 1. We will correct the Vocabulary worksheet and get a worksheet where we will see if Mr. Kofoed has taught you anything over the past 3 months.

Quote of the Day: "Confidence on the outside begins by living with integrity on the inside." -Brian Tracy

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday November 27

Good skill tonight to the boys hockey team and girls basketball team tonight as they start there seasons.

Today we will correct "Cause and Effect" and then take notes on Chapter 5 Section 1. For tomorrow be done with the Chapter 5 Vocabulary.

Quote of the Day: "Good manners make any man a pleasure to be with. Ask any woman." -Peter Mayle (British Author)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Monday November 26

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was fantastic.

We will be discussing Canada this week and next week. For today we will tie up loose ends from last week by going through your tests on Ch. 4. We will than correct the sheets I gave you for Thanksgiving. And finally you will be assigned a worksheet that deals with "Cause and Effect." Cause is an action and effect is what happens because of that action.

Quote of the Day: "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." -B.B. King

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Novemeber 19

Only 2 days of school this week for you.

We will correct the the section 3 and 4 review worksheet, finish any notes on chapter 4 that we have left, and finish the day with some video's of the natural wonders of america. TOMORROW YOU HAVE A TEST ON CHAPTER 4.

Quote of the Day: "Being defeated is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." -Marilyn vos Savant

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday November 16

Today my team plays Brainerd in our first game of the year.

We will be taking notes on Section 4 of Chapter 4. We will then watch a couple of videos from the scenic wonders series. For Monday be done with the section 3 and 4 review.

Quote of the Day: "Aim at the sun and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher than if you had aimed at an object on a level with yourself." -F. Hawes

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday November 15

We'll correct the Section 1 and 2 review, and then finish with notes for section 3. If we have time we'll watch the Grand Canyon video.

1 day until girls hockey's first game.

Quote of the Day: "Nothing lowers the level of conversation more than raising the voice." -Stanley Horowitz

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday November 14

We will finish the Pearl Harbor Video and discuss it. I hope this documentary made you think about the veterans, and the sacrifice that it takes for us to have the freedoms we have.

After that we will be taking notes on Chapter 3. You should have a copy of them already. Tomorrow make sure you are done with the Section 1 and 2 reviews.

Quote of the Day: "The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining." -John F. Kennedy

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday November 12

Yesterday was Veterans Day. A day to honor all veterans who have served are country both in peace and in wartime. So with that theme we will be talking about Veterans Day today, and over the next 2 days we will watch a video on Pearl Harbor. Usually we wait until December 7th, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor to show it but we are ahead of past years and it fits in well with veterans day.

Quote of the Day: "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." -John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday November 6

Test today on States tomorrow on Capitals.

Remember Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday. I will not be here in the afternoon or evening.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Monday November 5

Remember Parent-Teacher Conferences are tonight and Thursday all day. You don't have school on Thursday and Friday so it is a quick week for you.

Today we will be correcting the review of Section 1 and 2 that you were assigned last Thursday. We will then be playing a game using the U.S. Constitution.

There will be a test on the States tomorrow. We will be using the computer to do it. All I will tell you is make sure you study tonight. There will also be a test on the capitals on Wednesday.

Quote of the Day: "If we are facing in the right direction all we have to do is keep on walking." -Buddhist Proverb

Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday November 2

We will be going to the Media Center today to practice the states and capitals. Make sure you have my blog web address written down somewhere so you can practice over the next week at home so you'll know the states and capitals.

When you are in the Media Center you are only going to be on my website and the links to the games. If you are on anything else you will be logged off of the computers and you will be forced to sit and study off of the map you did the past two days.

Quote of the Day: "The difference between the possible and impossible lies in the man's determination." Tommy Lasorda-former Dodgers manager

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday November 1

Hope you all had fun last night. But not to much fun.

You will get grade sheets showing any missing work, and with your final grade for first quarter. No there is no extra credit you can do to get your grade up.

We will watch the Grand Tetons and Arches video's. And take some notes on Chapter 4 section 2. You will then get a review assignment for sections 1 and 2.

Quote of the Day: "Don't be afraid to fail. Experience is just mistakes you won't make anymore." -Joe Garagiola

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday October 31

Happy Halloween

We will watch a quick history of halloween from the history channel. We will also watch a video on Glacier and Yellowstone parks. We will take some notes on Section 2. And at the end of class we will look at the States and Start on the Capitals.

Quote of the Day: "Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long term values" -Joshua Liebman

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday October 30

Today we will correct the vocabulary assignment and finish notes on Chapter 4 Section 1. We will also watch two short videos. One on the Badlands and the other on Devils Tower. With the time left we will work on a map of the USA where we identify the states.

Quote of the Day: "We can't change the direction of the wind but we can adjust our sails." -Unknown

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday October 29th

Today is the first day of practice for girls hockey. We will defend our section championship and try to improve on our third place in state.

Today we will hand in our maps of Minnesota. Get an Introduction to the USA. And take some notes on the USA.

Quote of the Day: "Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us but to call out our courage and strength."

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday October 25

The Pirate Tennis team is at state and won there first match yesterday. They will play at 10 o'clock today in the state semifinals.

Today we will watch a video on the Great Lakes, and the first part of a video on Minnesota. We will than go through some neat things about the state of Minnesota and finish off the day by working on maps if you have time.

Quote of the Day: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesdsday October 23

Good luck to the Tennis team as they head down to state. There is a send-off today that we will be going to. Cheer enthusiastically because this is a great opportunity for our friends and family.

We will watch a video today on the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes. We will than take some more notes on Chapter 3. Remember you will have a short test tomorrow on Chapter 3.

Quote of the Day: "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Monday, October 22 2007

We have shortened classes today so we will get through as much as we can.

We will be handing back all the papers I've got corrected and you will get a grade sheet. The end of the first quarter is next Friday so be aware of that.

We will then discuss the Lewis and Clark Video. Any time we have left after that we will take some notes on Chapter 3. I plan to give you a large quiz or small test on Chapter 3 on Wednesday.

Quote of the Day: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday October 16

We will be going through the worksheet from yesterday and correcting the Bar Graph assignment you got last week. If there is time at the end we will watch a video on the Mississippi River.

Quote of the Day: "When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought i nour life, or in the life of another." -Helen Keller

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, October 15

We have a short week this week. No school on Thursday and Friday. And we start late next Monday.

Today in small groups we will be going to the Computer Lab to do a short survey. When you aren't doing that you will be in the classroom doing a worksheet on some things that I think you should know once you get out of 8th grade geography.

Quote of the Day: "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
-General George S. Patton

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Friday October 12

Congratulations to the Girls Soccer team which beat Minnewaska Area 2-0 to move on in the Section 8A Tournament. And to Molly Simmons, Hayley Myrold, and Rachel and Allyson Buchmeier for advancing to sections in the 8A Tennis Tournament.

And congratulations to the 8th grade football team for not only scoring a touchdown but for beating Schroeder 14-8 and the 8th grade volleyball team for beating Sacred Heart.

We're going to watch a video today called "The Alaskan Eskimo". It is old but it is very good. It was produced by Walt Disney.

Quote of the Day: "God put the firewood there, but every man (or woman) must gather and light it himself." -The Lone Ranger

Thursday, October 11

Happy Turkey Gravy Day!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Volleyball against Sacred Heart and Football against Schroeder. Good luck to Girls Soccer in the playoffs and Congratulations Girls Tennis for winning the North Subsection of Section 8.

Today we will do a Unit Atlas Activity and then watch a video on the Okeefenokee Swamp and the Florida Everglades. At the end we will correct your assignment from yesterday.

Quote of the Day: "I praise loudly; I blame softly." Catherine the Second (Russian Emperess)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday, October 10

We will be starting today with a video on about Shenandoah National Park and The Great Smoky Mountains. We will then be discussing Chapter 3 by taking some notes and finishing up today with a Vocabulary Assignment that you will have for homework.

Quote of the Day: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. -Maya Angelou

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday, October 9

We will correct your Unit 2 Atlas Worksheets and then watch "Niagara Falls" and "Mammoth Cave". If there is time we will do a Unit Atlas Activity but you will be getting a new assignment due tomorrow about Chapter 3 Vocabulary and how to read a physical map.

Quote of the Day: "You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days you feel good." -Jerry West

Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday October 8

You will get your tests back today. The average score was a low B which isn't terrible but there were no 100% and a couple of us struggled. When I made this test I felt like about 3/4 of the questions were things you should have known before you got to 8th grade. You need to study harder for your tests. Or even study a little.

We will be starting on the Physical Geography of the U.S. and Canada. I've got a series of video's that we will be watching over the next 3 weeks of the Scenic Wonders of America so part of every day will be spent watching a video. If we have time today we will start correcting the Unit 2 Atlas which I said would be due today. But if we don't have time we will correct it tomorrow.

Quote of the Day: "Whether you think you can or think you can't you are probably right" -Henry Ford

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday October 4

Today is my brothers birthday. I'll be going to my parents for supper tonight.

Today we will be talking about Chapter 2 by finishing the worksheet and going through some notes. You don't have to write anything down, just listen.


Quote of the day: "Virtue means doing the right thing in relation to the right person, at the right time, to the right extent, in the right manner, and for the right prupose." -Aristotle

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday, October 3

We will begin again today with another Unit Atlas Activity. We will then correct the Chapter 2 worksheet we got yesterday. And if we have time we will be going through some notes on Chapter 2.

Quote of the Day: "Everyone who has taken a shower has had an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it that makes a difference."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday, October 2

We will be correcting the Chapter 1 review and continuing on into Chapter 2. Just a reminder that you will be taking a test on Unit 1 on Friday.

Quote of the Day: "Some people grumble because roses have thorns. I'm thankful thorns have roses." -Alphonses Carr

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Monday October 1

The first thing we will do is take a trip around South America in an atlas activity. After that we will be talking in class about how you can think critically. What that means is that we want you to start thinking for yourself. In life the answers will not be word for word out of a book. You will need to come up with solutions yourself in order to succeed in life and this class. Hopefully this excercise will help you. Finally at the end of class we will assign the Chapter 1 review so we can move onto Chapter 2 and be ready to take a test on both chapters 1 and 2 by the end of the week.

Quote of the Day: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." -Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wednesday September 26

Today we will be continuing with our Chapter 1 worksheet/notes. We will then talk about the vocab activity and continue on by talking about non-verbal communication.

Quote of the day: "A friend is one who sees through you and still likes the view." -Wilma Askinos

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tuesday, September 25

Today we will correct the Chapter 1 worksheet and start a new assignment with Chapter 1 Vocabulary. This will give you a base to build on as we spend the rest of the week talking about different cultures and how they communicate.

Quote of the Day: "It is better to lose a hard fought battle than to avoid a battle because it is to hard to fight." -Andrew Faunt

Monday September 23

I hope you all enjoyed homecoming week last week. As 8th graders you were left out of some things but it will continue to get bigger and bigger and you will get to enjoy it more in the future.

Today we will be handing back a bunch of papers and getting a grade sheet back. We will also be getting a worksheet on Chapter 1. You can consider this worksheet notes on Chapter 1. I went through and wrote questions based on what I think are the important parts of the chapter.

Quote of the Day: "The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory but progress."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thursday September 20

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday Dear Mr. Moe
Happy Birthday to me.

To start with today we will be playing Crack the Code. You will be finding where robbers took some priceless maps. We will then correct the "Where in the world are we Vacationing" Worksheet. We will then watch a 10 minute video on Latitude and Climate. Finally with any time left we will work on a review Latitude and Longitude worksheet.

Remember on Friday we have a quiz on Latitude and Longitude. If you feel you need more practice you can play the game at the top of the links area on the right side of the blog.

Quote of the Day: "To have a friend a man must be a friend." -The Lone Ranger

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wednesday September 19

Today we will be correcting the Latitude and Longitude of the U.S.A. And assigning the Latitude and Longitude of the World. We will also be watching a video on Longitude and Timezones and correcting the timezone worksheet.

Quote of the Day: "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstein

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tuesday, September 18

Today we will be continuing with the Geography Skills Handbook by talking about Projections and Globes. You will turn in your maps of your yard. And we will be doing a worksheet on Latitude and Longitude of the United States.

Quote of the Day: "God could not be everywhere so he created mothers." -Jewish Proverb

Monday September 17

I had a great weekend. The Pirates won on Friday night. On Saturday I went to a wedding and wedding reception. Hope those of you at the bonfire had a good time. And on Sunday I volunteered at the Good Samaritan nursing home in East Grand Forks where my grandmother lives.

For today we will be going through the quizzes on Latitude and Longitude. Some of you did well. Some of you didn't. It shows me that we need to spend some more time on it. If you understand it I want you to help others understand it also. We will see a series of videos this week. All about 10 minutes long that will help you with understanding Latitude and Longitude. And at the end of the week we will take another quiz in which we will count your best score. This is the last week we will be dealing with the skills handbook so today we will also take a look at a bunch of different maps.

Quote of the Day: "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." -Leo Tolstoy

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Friday September 14

I'm not sure how your quiz's went yet. If overall it wasn't very good we will spend time next week trying to get better at latitude and longitude. If it was o.k. we'll move on to learning about different types of maps. If you didn't do to well with latitude and longitude don't worry to much about it. It is a small grade compared to the entire quarter. But you may need to do some extra work by coming in to talk to me or getting help at home to make sure you understand the concept.

Today is the big football game between my alma mater East Grand Forks, and my adopted school of Crookston. It should be a fun time seeing lots of people who I know from EGF. Despite what people think about the other town I can honestly say that the vast majority of people are good people who I am happy to call friends.

Quote of the Day - "Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking."
-J.C. Watts (R. Oklahoma)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thursday September 13

I was very impressed with everyone catching on to Latitude and Longitude. It can be complicated but you worked hard on it. We'll see for sure if you get it during the quiz today.

For class today we will discuss any questions you have on Latitude and longitude and then we will take a quiz on it. If we have enough time at the end of class we will start to talk about other parts of maps.

Quote of the Day - "Change your thoughts and you change the world." - Harold R. McAlindon

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wednesday September 12

For class today we will continue to work on Latitude and Longitude. We will correct the paper we did on Tuesday and I will assign another practice sheet.

Quote of the Day: "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall." - Confucious

Tuesday, September 11

First of all I want you to know how good of a job you did yesterday. You learned some things and had fun with it. Many teachers commented on how neat it was watching you do the things you did yesterday.

Today we are going to learn more about Latitude and Longitude. Today you will learn how to use an atlas and find your location on a map.

Quote of the Day: "In seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it - thou art a fool." From the Talmud which is the Jewish book of Law and Wisdom.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Monday September 10

Today you will be working on blogging. You do not need to make a username and password. You will vote on the poll of what you expect your grade to be. You will be able to post comments to things that I have written. Please put your name on your comments so that I know it is someone in our class not somebody off the street. If there is no name given I will delete the post.

When you are done with navigating through the blog you will play the latitude and longitude game found at the top of the links area.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome to School

Welcome to 8th Grade Geography. I am Mr. Moe and I'm looking forward to an outstanding year of teaching you and your classmates about the world.