Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday November 14

We will finish the Pearl Harbor Video and discuss it. I hope this documentary made you think about the veterans, and the sacrifice that it takes for us to have the freedoms we have.

After that we will be taking notes on Chapter 3. You should have a copy of them already. Tomorrow make sure you are done with the Section 1 and 2 reviews.

Quote of the Day: "The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining." -John F. Kennedy


Anonymous said...

hey Mr. MOE!!! lololololol....ths is like so fun haha... I am at computers so ya.... and i just wanted to leve a message... HOPE HOCKEY IS GOING WELL...I know the Green Bay Pakers R!!!!! well talk to ya lataz....

Anonymous said...

hey Mr. MOE!!! lololololol....ths is like so fun haha... I am at computers so ya.... and i just wanted to leve a message... HOPE HOCKEY IS GOING WELL...I know the Green Bay Pakers R!!!!! well talk to ya lataz....